Thursday, October 17, 2013

No time for excuses

How do you spend your time? Making excuses or going to the gym? I have to admit, I have spent plenty of time making excuses in the last week and yesterday’s gym session was a reminder of them!

I was really starting to feel stronger at the gym – not feeling tired as quickly into my workouts and such…until yesterday. I definitely took too much time off from the gym, and missed it!

Well, no more time for excuses!!! Our honeymoon is officially booked and the countdown is on! I haven’t counted exactly to the date, how many days we have until we get on the plane (probably because it will freak me out the little time I have to get in shape especially because it’s during holiday season), but let’s call it approximately 90 days…Before our honeymoon was even booked, I vowed to myself to be in the best shape EVER for it. I knew we would be going somewhere tropical, because that was what we had hoped, so that means I will probably be in a bathing suit and/or shorts and small dresses all week.

I slept in both yesterday and today. Feeling tired was my excuse…what was yours? Admitting to your wrongs I think is so important in life…so there you go, I just confessed to my wrongdoing. Even though I didn’t leave time for the gym in the morning, I packed clothes and used my lunch break both days for work outs! Some of my workouts with this program are tough to do at the gym here at work because of limited equipment, so today, I opted just to do some cardio.
This was my burn from yesterday, not bad for only 40 minutes – all weight training and some abs.
Not to mention, when I got back to my desk after my break, I had an email inviting everyone to the dining room because they were having an ice cream sundae party. I was thankful for missing it, even though I’m a sucker for sweets.

This was my burn today… again not bad for a quick cardio seshhhh…

For cardio, I did sprinting (kinda) or I guess sort of interval training bringing my heart rate up and then back down to rest and repeat. My routine was this…
4x 30seconds sprinting, 30 seconds walking (fast)
4x 45seconds sprinting, 30 seconds walking
4x 60seconds sprinting, 30 seconds walking
4x 75seconds sprinting, 30 seconds walking
I think I did about 2-3minutes on either end of slower walking for a warm up and cool down. My sprinting was probably about 70% especially towards the end when I was getting tired and walking about 50% so I didn’t really lower my intensity that much.

So there you have it, I need to take my own advice when I preach this – STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!

P.S. This is my view from the gym at work J Yes, I’m spoiled. (the reflection is awful, but the picture still does the job).

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