Monday, July 14, 2014

Daisy's First Day Home

My husband and I adopted Daisy on May 10, 2014. She was named Emma by the shelter we found her at, but she wasn't yet responding to that name so the transition was quite simple. She is approximately one year old and according to her records she is a Lab/Pug mix. When she feels like playing her Lab role we call her Crazy Daisy and when she feels like acting like a Pug, we call her Lazy Daisy. She is a great mix of both.

Since adopting Daisy, Brendan and I have learned so many new things about ourselves, as well as the newest member of our family. I can’t imagine what it is like to have children because this 35lbs bundle of pooch has opened my heart in new ways I never imagined! Daisy has not only taught us new ways to love, but also new ways we must work together. Since she was a rescue, she had very little training or boundaries in her first year of life so we basically have to start fresh with her as if she were a new puppy. Training must be consistent with Daisy and we don’t expect anything to happen over night.

I hope through our new life with Daisy, we can share some fun stories with you about the experiences we have as first time dog parents.

Here she is on her first day as a McCaffrey. She hated her first car ride home. I imagine it may have reminded her of her long ride from Indiana to Massachusetts. 

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