“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet.”
-William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet
-William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet
Unfortunately, the meaning of Shakespeare’s colorful
metaphor does not directly correlate with my topic for today, but a little
Shakespeare never hurt anyone! I can’t help but think of the always dreamy Leonardo
DiCaprio when I think of Romeo & Juliet…but that’s beside the point.
If I were you, I would be ever so curious to the story behind the name of my blog. There are four components in the naming of my blog that not only represent what I hope to write about, but also reveal a few very important things in my life. Three words, four components. Did I confuse you yet? Good.
Leaving the fourth mystery component until the end is
hopefully reeling you in like a fish. Otherwise, maybe you wouldn’t continue
reading. Suspense is key.
Barbells are my best friend. They used to be the piece of
equipment in the gym that scared the crap out of me. Well, pick one up. They’re
not so bad. Since conquering my fears of using barbells, I have learned that I
am preferring to use them instead of dumbbells.
Fitness has been the number one thing I am (trying) to
center my life around. With the help of my daily motivator, I am really
determined to stick to my current program. I learned about James Wilson’s 12
week body earned program through a friend. The best part about the program is
that there is a private Facebook group once you join, for questions or just
pure motivation from James and other users of the fitness program. It is
affordable and 100% worth the money! If you are interested in learning more
about his program, which I highly recommend, here is his public Facebook link
where he sums up the program. Feel free to message him about it too. He is
quick to respond.
Blazers - Look around. THEY’RE HOT. They can dress up any
outfit and they absolutely should be worn with jeans.
When I started my first "real world" post
college job, I was lost for wardrobe ideas for the working world. When it comes
to “business casual,” there can be a fine line between old and frumpy and too
sexy for someone my age. Without using “old” in a derogatory way, a lot of
business looks are more easily fitting for a woman much older than myself. With
(a lot) of help from a friend, I was able to find my in between - still dressing
young, trendy, fun, and most importantly, professional.
And the final word you read on my URL is battalion. Some
of you may have never even heard of a battalion. For me, it has become a more
common term than you would think. In fact, the past four years have been
overwhelmed with acronyms and words I did not know or comprehend, especially
when it came to listening to Brendan and his friends communicate. I have gotten
really good at smiling and nodding. Sadly enough, I use the acronyms now, too…the
few that I actually know.
The military actually has its own language. I bet you
didn’t think that aside from the physical separation and emotional hardships,
as a military family you must learn the lingo too. After supporting Brendan
across the country and across the world for four active years of duty, I hope
to share some of the stories we not only had along the way, but also some about
our post military life.
“Once a Marine, always a Marine,” is how they pride themselves
as the most elite branch of the military. I think I will always consider myself
as a Marine wife, too. I also carry pride in my role, as I am so honored to
have met (and marry) one of the elite.
For fun, here are some commonly used Marine Corps
BAH – Basics Allowance for Housing. In short – housing
allowance. Mostly, Marines only receive this if they are married and living off
base. On base housing is offered to military families for free (if available.)
EAS – End of Active Service – exactly what you think it means, their last day of active duty in the military. Brendan’s was August 9th. We counted down that date for awhile…
EGA – Eagle, Globe & Anchor – the emblem of the Marine Corps. If you look closely at their uniforms, they are visible on any and every uniform they wear; often as pins on their jackets or caps (they call them covers.)
MCX/PX – Marine Corps eXchange / Post eXchange – where you go shopping! Kind of like a department store, they literally have everything and it’s TAX FREE!
EAS – End of Active Service – exactly what you think it means, their last day of active duty in the military. Brendan’s was August 9th. We counted down that date for awhile…
EGA – Eagle, Globe & Anchor – the emblem of the Marine Corps. If you look closely at their uniforms, they are visible on any and every uniform they wear; often as pins on their jackets or caps (they call them covers.)
MCX/PX – Marine Corps eXchange / Post eXchange – where you go shopping! Kind of like a department store, they literally have everything and it’s TAX FREE!
Last, but not least….alliteration. I will assume you
noticed all three words in the title of my blog begin with the letter B. For
those of you who did not study English for four years, as I did – Alliteration
is the repetition of a sound or letter in a set of words or phrases. And there
you have it, the not-so big mystery. Using a small touch from my English degree
background was just the cinnamon I wanted to add on top of my blog to portray the
interest and fun I have with personal writing. (I like cinnamon more than I
like cherries on ice cream.)

In center, the EGA.
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